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The End of an Era…and the Beginning of What’s Next!

Hello, friends I'm writing to let you know that I will no longer be doing the weekly Radiant Hearts Circle Tapping/Meditations as of the end of this month - June 2022. Those who are participating regularly know of this already, but I want to the rest of those who keep up with what I’m doing and might have thought about participating, to know, too. It seems that it has done what it was here to do and now it’s time to move on. Those still in the group might not feel the same way, and so I have offered both my apologies and my gratitude. I have learned SO MUCH from those with whom I’ve had the bounty and privilege to work alongside for this venture (and I am so thankful!), and I will continue to grow through my professional work in other ways. Beginning July 1 to mid September I will be taking time off from all other professional involvements except my private client practice. Which I have been able to now coalesce into a 3 ½ day work week! This Sacred Pause is intended to create the space and the inner presence to receive guidance and clarity for how to proceed professionally while giving increasingly more of my energy to living my life with more radiance and light. My Sacred Pause will culminate in a September trip to Scotland for which I'm eager to experience. I will most likely still send out a few Sacred Pause emails over these summer months driven by inspiration more than a to-do list. Currently my interest is in writing and in sharing the awareness, skills and wisdom I have gathered over these decades of helping to heal hearts and the self-worth of those who have found their ways to me. My second newsletter, reMember Notes will be on pause indefinitely.

How I will be doing this after September? I’m not quite sure. In the meantime, I am really looking forward to some more ease and balance in my life. It’s not easy for me to remember that I’m here for more than to help the world heal. It seems at various times in my life things have happened or my perception has shifted to others in a way to keep myself out of balance. For me, I know this comes largely from a heavy dose of childhood emotional neglect and trauma with who knows how much of my spirit having signed up to live just this very life. As someone who experienced the emptiness and shame of emotional neglect and the fear stemming from early and on going relational trauma and domestic violence, I sought to find love, relevance and self esteem by contributing to the world, by trying to help others to feel better, to recognize that how they felt about themselves was far more a result of what they’d experienced and been exposed to then who they were/are. I’ve been directed, as in my North Star, with a yearning to help people find their ways to release the radiance of their own beings from underneath the blanketing of emotional pain, limiting programming, and survival (vs. thriving) mentalities. This work brings me fulfillment and joy. But what I’ve been doing, perhaps more especially since the time of Covid, hasn’t been in enough balance for me to access my own joy and inner radiance in good doses. It's time to recuperate, regroup, reassess, re-open myself to the flow of loving energies from the Universe…from the One Song…to feel what is right for me now. My deep thanks and gratitude to each of you who read what flows on to the “paper” from within me, for being on this journey with me, for all you do for yourself, your loved ones and the world. May these words today touch you positively and with love.

“It's time to recuperate, regroup, reassess, re-open myself to the flow of loving energies from the Universe…from the One Song…to feel what is right for me now.” — Dr. Holly Timberlake

Over the years, I’ve recorded nearly every session. Prior to this there is also a body of about 50 audio recordings of this same, though not as developed content ready to shares. I’m not yet sure what I’m going to do with them, though I want to make them available to anyone who would like to experience this process with me. Stay in touch for the next steps of my professional efforts to be a force, a presence for increasing the love and kindness on this beleaguered, yet magnificent planet. Here's to Your Radiance! ~ Dr. Holly



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